Adjusting Your Strategies to Google's Encrypted Searches

Adjusting Your Strategies to Google's Encrypted Searches
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Adjusting Your Strategies
to Google's Encrypted Searches

A SPN Exclusive Article by Adrienne Erin (c) 2013

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When Google completely cut off keyword data at the end of September, it may have seemed out of the blue, but the first encrypted searches appeared as far back as 2011 and many believe that the events prompting this change date back even further.

Regardless of the causes, Google has delivered another major blow to marketers following the recent implementation of the new Gmail tabs.

Get Your Website on Google's First Results Page

On Sept. 24th, Rand Fishkin of Moz said in his special Whiteboard Tuesday that he believed about 75% of Google's searches were encrypted and predicted that 100% of keywords would soon be hidden. For marketers this change means new challenges as they try to determine how to navigate keyword research without referral data.

While it's scary to think about how to work around this major change, let's break it down to see how you can rise above encrypted searches and maybe even use the change to your advantage.

What Are Encrypted Google Searches?
Encrypted searches use HTTPS, meaning keyword data won't be revealed to site owners. These types of searches won't allow Internet marketers and site owners to track users' keyword searches anymore; web analytics software was previously used to break down users and their keywords searches, but this tactic will no longer be possible. The reality is that even if you can still see some keyword data, eventually 100% of your referrals will probably result in the keyword not being provided. Keyword data will be gone. Google has removed the ability to view what a user searched for before visiting your site.

Why Keyword Referral Data Is Important
A lot of marketers use this keyword data for tasks that not only improve their own page ranking, but to better the web as a whole.

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